Ballet Certificates Pack – Ballet is such a fun activity. Recognize your favorite ballerinas, ballet enthusiasts, and teachers with these colorful and fun certificates. Add names, dates, and a couple of sentences on their accomplishment.
The certificates make for great keepsakes and are so easy to do. Plus, they make excellent gifts for ballet teachers!
Ballet Certificates Templates
You receive all six certificates. Just scroll down to the one you want to customize, use the text fields, print, and present. Then, use another and another. Plus, you can use these class after class, year after year.
Ballerina certificates – Frequently Asked Questions
- Who are these certificates designed for? Really, is anyone taking ballet? Also, consider using them as thank-yous for teachers or parents who help out.
- When’s the best time to award these ballet award certificates? Anytime that it feels appropriate. Some save them for the class-end celebration, while others choose to award them throughout the season. The choice is yours.
- Does it work on both Macs and PCs? Yes! Adobe Reader is loaded on most computers, but it’s a free download if you don’t have it. It enables you to read a PDF. If you’re on a Mac, make sure to open Adobe Reader first and then open the PDF.
- How do parents and ballet instructors present these awards? It’s fun to call each child up individually to receive a round of applause and to have the presenter say a few nice things before handing the certificate to the recipient.
- Where do folks hang the certificates? Bedroom walls, bulletin boards, and the refrigerator. Frame it for desktops and other locations. ALSO, PLEASE NOTE: you can take screen captures of the certificates with filled-in info and post it on Facebook or Twitter. Or attach it to texts and emails.
Ballet Certificates Add Fun
You’ll be immediately sent a link to download this certificate pack PDF with purchase. Then, download the PDF file and open it in Acrobat Reader. You’ll be able to see all six certificates by scrolling down.
Select the certificate you’d like, and highlight the text fields to enter the recipient’s name, date, and any other information you wish to add. Then, print and present. Simple and fun!
Ballet Award Certificates
The digital download PDF includes the following certificate templates:
- Ballet Achievement Award certificate.
- Ballerina Award Certificate certificate.
- Ballet Award certificate.
- A Ballet Performance Award certificate.
- Ballet Excellence Award Certificate.
- Outstanding Dancer award certificate.
Recognize a special time with these colorful and fun ballet certificates!
Ballet Certificates — $11.99