Terms of Use
UPDATED: January 7, 2025
Use Restrictions for Site’s Content, including all Certificates, Poster, Over-sized Certificates, and T-Shirt Design PDF’s
All of the “images, designs, illustrations, copy, writing and other components of the site,” hereafter “CONTENT”, is owned by Michael & Gabriel, Inc. or licensed by respective owners, is governed in use by this document.
Michael & Gabriel, Inc. grants permission for one user and immediate family, hereafter “GUESTS”, to use the designated CONTENT downloads in their existing condition or via modification of the live fields (indicated by blue fields on the Customizable PDFs and white space, in corresponding locations on the FREE PDFs). No other modifications may be made to the content. GUESTS and others are forbidden to republish, sell, resell, display, post or share electronically, reproduce electronic versions, transmit, record, mirror in any manner the CONTENT without the prior written permission of Michael & Gabriel, Inc. Any other use of the CONTENT is strictly prohibited.
If any breach of Terms of Use occurs, all rights of GUESTS or others may be immediately terminated and remedies may be pursued. Any disputes will be handled in the state of Minnesota.
Michael & Gabriel, Inc. provides this site and its contents on an “AS IS” basis and makes no representations or warranties. The site and CONTENTS are intended to provide useful information and tools on the subject matters. The publisher expressly disclaims any responsibility for any liability, loss, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of the CONTENTS or site.
Michael & Gabriel Inc. may choose to revise these terms and if so, will update them with a stated date, e.g. Updated on date/month/year. GUESTS and others agree that if any portion of these Site terms of use are found to be unenforceable, the remainder of these terms shall remain in full force and effect. Using this Site, you agree to be bound by this and any revisions.